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SG Karate League Ranking Event Season Two 2019

SG Karate League is a collaborative event between KGS, KYK and GRKAS. The objective of the event is to bring members from the clubs together and provide a safe platform for members to compete. It serves as a place where members can participate in friendly competition and help one another grow in skills. The League event (i.e. competition) takes place thrice a year, on the basis of accumulative points. At the end of the third event, players with the highest accumulated point throughout the year will receive placing. 2019 is the second year this League is taking place.

Results of the SG Karate League Ranking Event Season Two 2019 (based on total points accumulated from 3 events held on 23-Feb, 11-May and 22-Sep):

Grand Winner: 1. Sarah Wong - Female Open Kata 2. Emmanuel Lim Jun Hong - Male -60KG Kumite 3. Sd Chua - Male -67KG Kumite 4. Shiyun Kok - Female Open Kumite

2nd Placing: 1. Shiying Tan - Female Open Kumite 2. Suhas Shekhar - Male +67KG Kumite

3rd Placing: 1. Emmanuel Lim Jun Hong - Male Open Kata 2. Melinda Csikor-Vass - Female Open Kumite 3. Nicholas Tan - Male -60KG Kumite

Congratulation to the top three ranking winners and all KGS competitors who participated and supported the second season. We strongly believe in events that helps to build strong camaraderie between clubs and allow the community to prosper together. Let us all look forward to the new season in 2020 & we shall continue to improve together.




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